Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reflection on my Short practicum
I had a very nice and memorable time during those two weeks.My first day at Earl Marriott (White Rock) was very interesting. Because My SAs were unaware of the fact that they are going to meet me that day.I entered his room and he looked at me and tried to guess.............?.So it was just fun i'm introducing myself giving them a news, I have to sit in their classes to observe. Anyhow,first day passed observing different classes .Next day he was very well prepared, he gave me proper guidelines and introduced me to students.Next day I started teaching 1or 2 blocks daily.The best thing I found that my both SAs liked the way I taught students and my FA liked the stuff I taught in his presence.Both my SAs encouraged me to teach more blocks and they said I have knowledge of subject matter and the only thing that Is to observe and impliment new strategies while teaching.I tried to observe different teachers and different grades and I learnt a lot during that time.So overall it was a very important time for me to learn.I already have taught for a number of years but, now I tried to learn for a multicultured classroom.which I think was not enough time, because as a teacher, learninng will always be there during my whole life.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Doing, Assessing and Designing a Math project

Group: Rong, Darshan & Prem
The Project we chosen from "Mathematical magic is a variation of Fibnocci sequence.As we all know fibnocci sequences have amazing properties. This game is a generalisation of one of the fibnocci sequence's property.

in this game, some seemly unrelated numbers are actually related.By using mathematical analysis we can find out the reason behind the magic.The students will be surprised that we can use the one number to get the sum of ten numbers.Students will be benefit from the game by witness the of power of math.
However this game has a lot calculation of addition,which we think is both strength and a weakness.We say it is strength because it gives students a lot of practice doing addition fast and accurately. weakness is that if student makes only one small mistake , the results will not mathch to the magician's prediction.

Therefore, we think it might be better if students play in group of two.Each student will pick a number to play.Luckily, this game can be modified for two students to play at the same time, because it needs two number to start playing. When they are doing the calculation,one can do the addition and other can check the calculation results. This will reduce the addition mistakes to a minimum an densure the game to play smoothly.
Another problem to this game is that the calculation time and acuracy depends upon the addition calculation skills of the students.therefore it is better for low grade and highly struggling students to allow to use calculators if the game takes too long time.

The "Read Your Mind Game"
The project we have created is for grade 9 students.The major problem for grade 9 students is that they regard math as a hard and a boring subject.The project is intended to arouse student's interest in learning math.Math can be challenging.Math can also be fun.

In order to understand the theory behind the game they have to understand the polynomial addition, which is closely related to the topic of chapter:5 in "Math Links" grade 9.Therefore this activity is also good for students to get a deeper understanding of polynomial addition.The detailed activities are also described on the poster.

We created this game by ourselves and also refers to "Math Links 9" and "Mathematical Magic" The length of the game is 10-15 minutes.students are required to create a key from the chosen number. During the game students are required to take out their pens and papers.They need follow magician's guide to produce a key from a chosen secret number.
Because this is a fun activity for the students participate, the students will not be maked on their performance.However, for those students who are actively partcipating in the game and solving the mystry behind it,some bonus marks will be given as a reward.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reviewing my group's work.

The solutions of number game given by my group members are really excellent.Amilia considered the options which I didn't. Min-chee's work I could not understand in detail I should discuss with her to know all methods in detail, As she has done totally in different but Excellent way. Darshan's first step looked similar to me but next step I found is out of the way as, the problem was to discuss for the first player and choices for winning with different totals.But perhaps she gave mixed options.Overall the problem solution has been found by four members in four different ways and that is a best approach on the way of problem solving . so now we have four different solutions for a single problem but, if all the solutions are correct.so now I have a lot of things to learn from the group.

Thinking Mathematically Problem Solving

It was a fun to solve this problem bcs it was like a game of numbers to win. The problem is to check a number best to start when playing in pair of two . The numbers given are 1,2,34,5
the players alternately name a number .The winner will be that person who first brings a combined total of 31.
2.Can you find a strategy.
3. what if 31 changes to another number.
4. What if numbers are 1,3,5 or 2,3,7.

I figured out total of digits 1,2,3,4,5 is 15 so I thought 15+15=30.i.e two full rounds of all digits and 30+1 is the game to win.In other words if I start announcing 1 as a first number then a total of 31 can be achieved at the end with 1.
Again if total changes to 33 then I can start with 2 and so on for 35 or 37 .........also for 29, 27.............. At the same time if digits change to 1,3,5 I was able to follow the same strategy of starting with 1 for a total of 31.Bcs every time it follows a sequence of choosing number from a fixed group of numbers. So it looks to me as a fixation of numbers.I found it is the best strategy only if the players have to select all digits differently in all rounds.If all digits can be repeated the I can go simply choosing 24+7, 26+5, 25+6 or 28+3 and so on..................... but then second player can also choose the last number to announce by figuring out the total before the last number.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thinking Mathematically Problem Solving

So sorry to have a trouble in posting the scanned solution for my problem .
Solution for the problem is here
Game of 31

Mental Solution Strategy & Descriptions

1+2+3+4+5 Sum of digits 1to5 is 15, so if player A

1+2+3+4+5 starts with 1 will win at the end with 31.

1= 31 so announcing 1 is the best option to win

2+3+4+5 Now to find the strategy ,If the first player

1+2+3+4+5=29 or chooses to start with 2 he can only win if

1+2=32 total changes ,either 2less or 1more than 31

3+4+5 yes, it works well. now if he starts with 3 1+2+3+4+5 then to win he needs a change in total either 1 =28 or 2+3=33 3 less or 2 more than 31

4+5+ 1+2+3+4+5+1+3=31 again I check if he starts with 4 he can win if total changes to 27 or 34 i.e either 4 less or 3 more than 31.

Question: what if numbers are 1,3,5then I have 1+3+5=9x3=27+4=31, simply three full 1+3+5+1+3+5+1+3+5+1+3=31 rounds with 1,3,5 and wins for total of 31.


3+5+1+3+5+1+3+5+1=27 or +3+5=35 i.e if he wants to start with 3 then for

winning condition of total should be either

27 or 35.

hence it gives me only one fixed number to start for a fixed total if I reduce or increase the total then I can have another option for first number to announce.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Timed writing

Reflection on Timed Writing
Writing activity before or after a class is really an enjoyable activity for those who love writing.It could be warm up for the students before doing a hard mathematics exercise.But at the same time some can find it a boring one.Because all students are not actually fond of writing.

Strengths:---Timed writing could be brain storming.Students can express their feelings in words and can explain their understanding of a particular topic especially in mathematics where more topics are not in approach of all students.Their struggling for some difficult topics can be recognised by the teacher through this activity.Students could bbe asked to explain their understandings for the topic disscussed during particular class times. This can provide students an opportunity to recognise difficult terms during writing for that topic.As we felt for division by zero during our timed writing exercise.

Weeknesses:---The only weekness I can see, is that some students may feel bored while writing. But a good teacher can make it enjoyable applying his/her skills. So overall this can be applied for improving standards of learning different topics in math class.

Divide by zero poem

It's the Zero which makes things meaningful
kepping itself meaningless.
Bank Acoounts having more zeros
10000000000 written after a digit are of great sense.
but,having no digit before million zeros make no sense.
Invented by Aryabhatta during 676
provided number theory a new direction, but
could not find a direction for itself.