Sunday, November 1, 2009

Timed writing

Reflection on Timed Writing
Writing activity before or after a class is really an enjoyable activity for those who love writing.It could be warm up for the students before doing a hard mathematics exercise.But at the same time some can find it a boring one.Because all students are not actually fond of writing.

Strengths:---Timed writing could be brain storming.Students can express their feelings in words and can explain their understanding of a particular topic especially in mathematics where more topics are not in approach of all students.Their struggling for some difficult topics can be recognised by the teacher through this activity.Students could bbe asked to explain their understandings for the topic disscussed during particular class times. This can provide students an opportunity to recognise difficult terms during writing for that topic.As we felt for division by zero during our timed writing exercise.

Weeknesses:---The only weekness I can see, is that some students may feel bored while writing. But a good teacher can make it enjoyable applying his/her skills. So overall this can be applied for improving standards of learning different topics in math class.

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